Winner of the W. Preston Warren award for excellence in Philosophy and the Tustin Award for outstanding achievement in Philosophy and Psychology
We asked our graduating seniors to tell us a bit about their time studying philosophy at Bucknell. This week, we’ll be showcasing our students’ answers.
Favorite philosophy class at Bucknell: Arabic Philosophy! Taking this course was refreshing because it allowed me to approach metaphysical and epistemological questions through a traditional standpoint so different from my own. After every class, I felt my mind filled with wonder.
Favorite philosopher, philosophical quote, or philosophical question: Angela Davis because Black women rock.
Favorite memory from a philosophy class or philosophy department event?: I could go on all day talking about the wonderful memories I have with doing philosophy at Bucknell. But if I had to pick one memory that I’m fond of, I’d choose getting to tap into my creative side (and taking it out on the chalk board) during my Time, Mind, and Illusion seminar with Professor Balcells and Nardo 🎶.
What are your plans post-graduation?: I plan to pursue Occupational Therapy.
How do you see philosophy as guiding you after graduation?: Philosophy is a lifestyle that encourages you to seek truth and wisdom. Knowing this, I plan to use philosophy to question, infiltrate, and reconstruct systems that either need to be reevaluated or dismantled.
Anything else?: To all my philosophy professors, thank you for making me feel like I belong. Thank you for making me feel I matter. Thank you for making me feel safe and supported. To Bucknell students, doing philosophy will change your life for the better so if you’re hesitant to declare the minor/major, do it and do it with your chest!