We asked our graduating seniors to tell us a bit about their time studying philosophy at Bucknell. This week and next, we’ll be showcasing our students’ answers.
Favorite philosophy class at Bucknell: Arabic Philosophy, I loved the chance to debate the role of religion and philosophy and debate their influence with Professor Groff. It opened me up to so many perspectives I would have never come across elsewhere. I feel like I learned so much about my own values in that class.
Favorite philosopher, philosophical quote, or philosophical question: “As a mark is not set up for the purpose of missing the aim, so neither does the nature of evil exist in the world.” – Epictetus (I consider myself an optimist).
Favorite memory from a philosophy class or philosophy department event?: Every time Professor Turner let loose in class.
What are your plans post-graduation?: Travel, then aiming for conservation work in Philadelphia!
How do you see philosophy as guiding you after graduation?: Participating in Philosophy at Bucknell has pushed me to develop detail-oriented communication, and the subject matter has given me the space to begin formalizing my own philosophy of life. It’s ensured I hold firm to my inner justice while navigating career paths.
Anything else?: Thank you to all of the professors I’ve had in class, all those I didn’t, and to my classmates, who put up with listening to my unfiltered thoughts for the past four years. Jane Baker, too, for always feeding us burritos.