Thursday, October 29th at 4:30PM (online)
What are your fellow students up to? What are they writing on, thinking about in their courses, research projects, and beyond? We hope you’ll join us for an online mini-conference. We have four students giving short (<10 minute) talks on their recent work. A Zoom link will be emailed out to students and posted on the Bucknell Message Center; if you would like to attend and don’t have the link, please look there (or email If you have the link and would like to share it with friends and family, please feel free.
“Time Travel and Quantum Mechanics”
Sara Butler, ’21
“Nietzsche’s Living Fool”
Christine Cha, ’21
“Deterioration of Self As a Limit on Freedom”
Manuel Teshe, ’23
“Echoes of Antiquity and Calvinism in Nietzschean Moral Thought”
Jokubas Uznys, ’21